13 Online Courses for Teachers to Pursue

13 Online Courses for Teachers to Pursue

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 23, 2024 05:14 PM IST | #Teaching and Education

All professions require learning. This just shows the importance of a teacher. To become a teacher one can take the traditional route of a bachelor’s degree or opt for online courses. These short term online courses for teachers can be game changers. There are a plethora of online courses and certifications from which you can choose the best online teacher training course.

13 Online Courses for Teachers to Pursue
13 Online Courses for Teachers to Pursue

It is important in this era to become a part of such foundational online teacher training courses. But sometimes, your life gets busy and you never find the time to go to a traditional offline campus and take such courses. So online degrees or diploma courses become a better option. They are self-paced and you can take them from the comfort of your home. So take a look at our online degree courses and online diploma courses where you can learn from the best personal trainer certification courses which you can learn from the comfort of your own home. After attaining a foundational degree you can go for further studies and even take a Ph.D. in the subject. (Ph.D. in education).

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Due to the current pandemic, teaching has drastically changed. Our education system has shifted from traditional classroom teaching to the “Webucation” due to COVID-19. Moreover, many teachers face trouble transitioning to the online mode. So, it does not matter whether you are an existing teacher looking for a way to improve your craft or someone who is taking the initial steps toward the profession, going for online teaching courses is a great idea.

Here are some of the best online Courses & Certifications from Top Providers on personal trainer certification courses.

Course Name



Google Certified Educator - Level 1


3 hours

Foundation of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher


2.5 hours

How to make online teaching interactive


1 hour

Arizona State University TESOL Professional Certificate

Arizona State University via Coursera

Approx. 12 months

(4 hours per week)

Teaching Children Online: The Beginner’s Guide


2 hours

Early Childhood Education

Avianshilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore and CEC via Swayam

15 weeks

University Teaching

The University of Hong Kong via Coursera

18 hours

Teaching Skills for Teachers


1 hour

Lesson Planning for Teachers: Steps to Success


1.5 hours

Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher

University of Capetown via Coursera

16 hours

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Academic Quality Assurance


8 hours 55 minutes

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling


14 hours

Learning to Teach Online


18 hours

Note: The above data is collected and compiled by the Careers360 team.

1. Google Certified Educator- Level 1

This is one of the best courses to learn teaching online. It is a course that is certified by Google for helping teachers develop the learning and teaching workflow for quality education with G Suite. This course aims at building digital skills, cloud-based working, usage of tools like Google Drive, and Google Classroom, and improving the school-wide pedagogy, making it the most relevant online teaching course for online teachers today instructed by Matt Smith.

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 3 hours

Topics covered

  • Google Certified educator Level 1 exam preparation

  • G Suite for education.

  • Benefits of cloud based working.

  • Relevant examples that have been used in the classroom

  • Work in a simulated school environment to provide context to activities.

  • How Google Apps for Education helps in teaching and learning workflow.

  • Google Classroom and Google Drive for content sharing and feedback

  • Engagement tools.

  1. Foundation of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher

If you are looking for free teacher training courses online for honing teaching skills, this is just the right one for you. This online teacher training course is available for anyone interested in teaching, no matter what institution or subject. It offers dynamic lessons to the learners, and this course on teaching is taught by respected and experienced professionals. One can develop professionalism, teaching and assessment skills with this online teaching course.

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2.5 hours

Topics covered

  • Introduction to the Learning Concepts

  • Working Memory

  • Long-term Memory

  • Schema

  • Transfer of Learning

  • Learning and Engagement

  • Introduction to the Strategies

  • Retrieval Practice

  • Spacing

  • Interleaving

  • Concrete Examples

  • Elaboration

  • Dual Coding

  • Metacognition

  • Optional Further Learning: Learning Styles and Stereotype Threat

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How to make online teaching interactive

If you are an individual who has been planning to start teaching classes online, making the classes interactive can be tough. This is one of the best short term courses related to teaching where you learn the best teaching methods for this digital era. This online teaching course aims at equipping teachers with the best strategies for making online teaching more engaging and interactive.

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 1 hour

Topics covered

  • Introduction

  • Using Mentimeter for making sessions interactive

  • Using Quizizz to make sessions interactive

  • Evaluating students using Google Quiz

  • Evaluating students using Testmoz

  • Summary

  1. Arizona State University TESOL Professional Certificate

This is an online teaching course that comes with a professional certification. This is exactly what you require to kick start your teaching career or take it to a whole different level. It is basically aimed to teach people who are interested in teaching the English language as a second or foreign language to one’s students and helping them gain fluency in the language. The certification is offered by Arizona State University and is highly respected in the field. It is instructed by Jessica Cinco and 4 other qualified instructors. One can go for these teaching classes online to master the communicative techniques required to engage students and help them use language acquisition principles and theories.

Platform: Arizona State University via Coursera

Duration: Approx. 12 months 4 hours per week

Topics covered

  • Foundational Principles

  • Theories of Second Language Acquisition

  • Lesson Design and Assessment

  • Capstone Project 1

  • Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar

  • Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation

  • Technology Enriched Teaching

  • Capstone Project 2

  1. Teaching Children Online: The Beginner’s Guide

This is a primary school teaching course for those who are either beginners in the field of teaching or those who are having difficulty with the transition into online teaching. The online teacher training course gives a few tips and tricks to the teachers for scoring the factors needed to make the transition smooth. This is one of the best online courses for teachers offered in the Udemy platform.

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2 hours

Topics covered

  • Introduction

  • Before You begin

  • Enter the Classroom

  • Dealing with Problems

  • Ending With a Bang

  • Props

  • Songs to Sing Online

  • Online Companies Looking for Teachers

  • Links

  • Conclusion

  1. Early Childhood Education by Class Central

One can learn to teach and even teach students of higher classes. Yet, one can find it hard to teach toddlers. This calls for a Nursery teacher training course online and you can find one on Class Central. Early Childhood Education is a training course for educators to help them understand the stages of child development, the framework of their understanding needs, and importance of compassion, care, play, and fun in the learning and development of a child.

Platform: Avianshilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore and CEC via Swayam

Duration: 15 weeks

Cost: Free (charge for certificate)

Topics covered

  • Principles of growth and development and interrelatedness of the domains of development

  • Brain development in early years

  • Behaviourism and social learning

  • Piaget’s Cognitive developmental theory

  • Information processing and Gardner’s’ MI

  • Ecological and socio-cultural perspective

  • Objectives and Principles of ECCE

  • Concept, meaning and benefits of play

  • Types of play and its values

  • Learning and developing holistically through play

  • Curriculum of play way approach – supporting communication skills, early literacy and numeracy, reading skills

  • Long term, medium term and small term

  • Reviewing and evaluating planned themes and activities

  • Setting up an early learning environment – indoor & outdoor

  • Meaning and concept, general types of pedagogical techniques and strategies

  • Positioning, Empowering, Scaffolding, Co-constructing, Modelling, Questioning, Encouraging and praising, Problem solving, Documenting

  • Guiding principles and suggestive developmentally appropriate practices for birth to three years

  • Recognizing dispositions, skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding of children

  • Creating a strong emotional foundation

  • Principles of assessment - Why, what, and when to asses

  • Assessment tools and strategies

  • Meaning and importance of effective transition

  • How to enable the child to be ready to learn

  • How to facilitate parent to support child’s transition

  • How to assist the school to be ready for the child

7. University Teaching

One who is looking for getting teaching classes online, primarily for getting insights about University teaching should go for this course. This online teacher training course brings the best inputs from instructors, students, experts and award winners in the field. It brings concrete findings about practical institutional design and effective university teaching, with supporting research evidence.

Offered by: The University of Hong Kong via Coursera

Duration: Approx. 18 hours

Topics covered

  • Course Introduction

  • What does it look like teaching in higher education?

  • What does research tell us about effective teaching in higher education?

  • How shall we go about curriculum and instructional design?

  • What pedagogical options can we find from successful examples? – An instructional toolbox

Popular Certification Specializations

  1. Teaching Skills for Teachers

This is another one of the short term courses related to teaching offered on the Udemy platform, which is designed for the beginner in the teaching profession and is meant to ace their skills to achieve excellence. The video lectures present in this course are in the English language with subtitles. It teaches how to develop competency in teaching and the only eligibility criteria is interest in learning. This teaching tutorial offers strategic and innovative ideas for bringing the perfect learning environment to the class.

Offered by: Udemy

Duration: 1 hour

Topics covered

  • Develop Competency in Teaching

  • The priority Learning

  • The priority Learning

  • The WOW Teaching

  1. Lesson Planning for Teachers: Steps to Success

This online teacher training course is suitable for teachers of any level for their own professional development. Teaching takes a great amount of planning beforehand and with this course, you can take the help of a collection of tools and strategies to plan great lessons for your students. This is another one of the short term courses related to teaching from the Udemy platform, where you will learn how to set smart lesson objectives. It covers educational research, lesson planning, assessment strategies, understanding various room layouts, and using quizzes as checklists in lesson planning.

Offered by: Udemy

Duration: 1.5 hours

Topics covered

  • Lesson objectives and outcomes

  • Incorporate assessment strategies into lesson plans

  • Different ways to differentiate learning through the planning process

  • Different room layouts can impact teaching and learning

  • Be aware of educational research regarding lesson planning

  • Use the quiz as a checklist in your lesson planning process

  1. Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher

This course on teaching is primarily focused on helping teachers who educate deaf children. It is difficult to find online teacher training courses that particularly focus on teaching children who have hearing disabilities, hence, this course is a treasure. The instructors Odette Swift and Tara Kuhn teach this course. This online teaching course aims to provide teachers with invaluable skills and knowledge so that deaf children do not leave the institute functionally illiterate.

Offered by: University of Capetown via Coursera

Duration: Approx. 16 hours

Topics covered

  • The experience of being Deaf and how it impacts learning

  • The role of teachers in developing resilience in Deaf children

  • Creating an accessible learning experience

  • Becoming an empowered teacher

  1. Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Academic Quality Assurance

If you are an instructor or teacher at a college, school or university, or belong to the management and administration division of institutions, this is the right teacher training course for you. The course is aimed to improve learning and teaching strategies or methods to get the efficient learning outcomes one wants. One can enrol in these teaching classes online and study about the frameworks and models of Academic Quality Assurance and implement guidelines for a better quality assurance in teaching and imparting education.

Offered by: Udemy

Duration: 9 hours

Topics covered

  • Fundamentals of Outcome Based Education (OBE)

  • Bloom's Taxonomy: The 3 Domains

  • SOLO Taxonomy

  • Kirkpatrick Training Evaluation Model

  • Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner)

  • Constructive Alignment

  • Students Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Fundamentals of Quality Assurance in Education

  • Quality Assurance in Teaching, Curriculum, Exams & Assessments

  • QA in Student-Teacher Communication

  • Quality Assurance in Research, Students Affairs & Services

  • Accreditation

  • OBE & QA Implementation

  • Quality Assurance in Online Education

  • Educational Leadership

  • Meeting Challenges of Educational Quality

  • Course Summary and Conclusion

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  1. Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling

Teaching something to the kids is usually done in the form of poems and story-telling in the junior classes. If you learn teaching from this course, it will equip you with various tools to beautify your method of digital storytelling. This is one of the best Primary teacher training courses that one could come across. This online teacher training course helps one explore ways to enhance the learning experience of students by using digital stories.

Offered by: The University of Houston via coursera

Duration: Approx. 14 hours

Topics covered

  • Week 1 Choosing a Topic and Defining your Purposes

  • Week 2: scriptwriting, storyboarding, and creative Commons

  • Week 3: How to record audio narration for a digital story. Most common types of microphones and recording devices. How to record and edit digital audio files using Audacity

  • Week 4: How to assemble all of the elements (text, images, narration, and if you choose, music and/or video clips) to create the final version of your digital story and publish it online. Video editing softwares, Web 2.0 tools, mobile apps, etc.

  • Week 5: Reflections - Components of the digital storytelling process and the challenges you faced, how you dealt with them, Revision based on feedback. etc.

  1. Learning to Teach Online

If you are currently teaching classes online or are going to teach in the future, doing a course for getting experiences and tips from professionals is a good idea. This online teacher training course is designed to serve the purpose of equipping beginner or future educators with the latest educational technologies and strategies.

Offered by: The University of New South Wales via Coursera

Duration: Approx. 18 hours

Topics covered

  • Why is Online Teaching Important + Open and Institutionally Supported Technologies

  • Planning Online Learning + Online Learning Activities

  • Online Assessment Strategies + Online Resources

  • Engaging and Motivating Students + Evaluation Strategies

  • Question and Answers

Note: There are no specific eligibility criteria for the aforementioned courses, however, these courses are most suitable for

  • Anyone Wishing to Use Google Apps for Personal Use or Education

  • Anyone Who Wants to Migrate from Microsoft Office to Google Office Apps

  • Educators

  • Teachers / Future Teachers

  • Parents

  • Coaches

  • Paraprofessionals

  • School Administrators

  • Guidance Counselors

  • Child Study Team Personnel


Teaching is one of the most respected and valued professions. With e-learning gaining importance, the demand for teachers has increased at a high rate, with an average monthly salary ranging from INR 11,000 to 37,700. As a matter of fact, in 2018-19, the demand for teachers saw a high jump of 40%. These online courses for teachers can help you in your career as a teacher. You learn different teaching methodologies, how to incorporate different technological apparatus effectively, etc. You will learn the importance of a learner-centered environment. Are you still confused about what course to take? Do not worry! To help you out we have made an online course comparison so that you can choose from the best online courses for teachers. So take a look and make the best decision. All the best!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the eligibility criteria for these online courses for teachers?

There is no specific  eligibility criteria for these online courses for teachers. Anyone with a passion for teaching can take these courses. 

2. What is the duration for these online courses for teachers?

The duration for these online courses for teachers can vary. It can range from a few hours to even 1 year.

3. What are some of the best platforms for these online courses for teachers?

Some of the best platforms that provide online courses for teachers are: edX, coursera, udemy, udacity, swayam, etc. 

4. Is it mandatory to have a teaching degree to teach online?

 It is important to have a specific degree in the subject you are teaching. When it comes to teaching English, any bachelor’s level education would do. Along with it most hiring companies do expect and require a TEFL certification.

5. Which platforms offer accredited online teacher training courses with certificate ?

 The best platforms that accredited online teacher training courses with certificates are Coursera, Udacity, edX, Swayam.


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